Friday, April 18, 2014

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

Copyright 2014, CABS for Reflections From the Fence

I am not big on celebrating my own birthday, anniversaries or other noteworthy dates.  Truth, I feel a bit un-comfy, would rather spotlight those that are contributing something in this world, my contributions pale by comparison to many.  (Note, that statement is NOT a call for pats to Carol's back. Really.  Feel like saying something nice, say it to someone who is hurting today, Carol is not hurting, Carol is happy, her tummy is full, her coffee fine, she is sitting in Tana in Chattanooga, the dogwoods are blooming, all is good with Carol's world.)

And, so, yesterday's significance slipped by un-noted and unnoticed by Moi.  I realized this morning that Reflections has been chatting, sharing, whining, traveling, crying, and laughing for 5 years as of  yesterday.  Five years is rather significant, eh?

During those five years there was more than one occasion that I felt like this whirlwind.

I have posted 1830 posts in those 5 years.  I am thrilled that I have 160 followers that I know of. I believe some of you follow at Feedly and via email, I don't know how many of you there are that do that.

There are over 4800 comments published on Reflections.  WOW, I am humbled by your time and thoughts that those 4800 comments represent.

I have 10 permanent pages on Reflections, four of those are Trip maps.

Frequently I am overly verbose.  OK, more than frequently.  If you stick around long enough to read one of those posts, I thank you, and applaud you.  Well done my dear readers.

There are times I fought technology and connectivity to post, I know you have all seen a few of my rants with one of my most fav graphics:

I enjoy sharing my photos of my trips and things I find interesting along the way.  I believe you enjoy them as well. Thank you for that.

I write Reflections and the other blogs for me first.  Is that a surprise??  I find the process to be creative and fulfilling.  Keeps me sane.  The fact that so many of you read along and follow is the best frosting in the world! What a blessing that you all care enough to stick with me.

Thank you for reading, thank you for following, thank you for being my friend.

You can read the very first post on Reflections here, a shaky, questioning start.

Thank you all, over and over again.

Now, let's go find out what the next kind of trouble I can get into will be like.  Hope to see you here at Reflections for many more days, months, and maybe even years.

Blog on - - -

* Thanks to Webweaver for the teddy bear with heart candy box, the woman at the computer.  The woman shooting the computer, I am sorry, I have lost the original source information, my undying gratitude to the web site that I discovered it on.  The storm cloud is thanks to DanHorton.



Bill West said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Kristin said...

Happy 5 years! Look forward to saying Happy 10 years in another 5!!

Barbara Poole said...

You've gotta celebrate big, after all you're 5 years old. Have some cake and have a party. Congrats, Carol.

Carol said...

Thank you Bill, Kristin and Barbara.